Special Education Guide
Parents who are aware their child is having a difficult time with reading, mathematics, written expression or other aspects of school work might suspect that the child has a learning disability (LD), and may be in need of special education services. Please contact the school if you are concerned about your child’s development/skills. Contact the students teacher and the school psychologist.
Learning disabilities are caused by a disorder in how information is received, processed, or communicated within the brain and affect each individual differently. A learning disability can cause an individual to have difficulty in specific areas of learning, including reading, writing, and mathematics. In addition, individuals with LD may have difficulty with gross motor or fine motor coordination or with social interaction.
As a parent, guardian or advocate, you have a legal right to request that your public school evaluate your child for special education. Federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as amended in 2004 (IDEA), gives you that legal right. When there is suspicion that a child has a disability, parents and educators have a responsibility and a right to request a full, individual, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary evaluation. Parents should retain copies of all correspondence relating to their child and follow up with the school on the status of the request.
If you know a child who is suspected of having a disability, and is not being served, please tell the staff, or contact CPS’ Student Services Department, (513) 363-0280.
When a school is notified:
- The child’s parent(s) are contacted and informed of their rights, as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA 2004), the Ohio Revised Code, and the State Board of Education’s Operating Standards for Ohio’s Schools Serving Children with Disabilities.
- Arrangements are made to review all information and documentation pertaining to the suspected disability.
CPS offers a wide variety of support services for students. A full list can be viewed through these links:
Parents can contact a parent mentor at no cost to them (mentors are paid by the school district) for additional help and guidance.
You may feel you need additional support and Special Education Advocates or IEP Advocates can help parents throughout the evaluation and Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process and attain special education services for their child with a disability from their public school system. They do so by familiarizing themselves with the special education process. They are often lawyers or someone with a special education background and charge an hourly fee. An internet search will offer some potential options for you to consider.
Additional Resources: