Physical Education is a vital element in a comprehensive, well-balanced educational program. A positive learning (environment) experience in physical education is a major contributing factor in the optimum development of an individual in all aspects of wellness and future physical activity.
The Physical Education program at the elementary level develops the confidence and competence of each student, stressing movement education, awareness of fitness components and motor skills. The 3-6 and 6-9 program focuses on the student’s ability to perform a variety of movements proficiently. As students develop an understanding of movement themes, they make connections to space, time, effort, and relationships that are critical to skill development.
The 9-12 program introduces students to lead-up skills required for successful participation in physical activity.
By the end of sixth grade, students will demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns while performing a variety of physical activities. The students will also demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics while exhibiting responsible personal and social behaviors.