Annual Spring Flower Fundraiser!

Annual Spring Flower Fundraiser!

PRM partnered with Benken to host our Annual Spring Flower Fundraiser. PRM will
receive 30-50% of the cost of each plant that is purchased. Invite your friends,
family and neighbors to participate as well. This is a great way to support our school
and a local business!

 Flower Selection: View all available plants and flowers on
• Ordering: Complete your order and make your payment online at the above link. Deadline to place orders is Wednesday, April 13th. *Quantities on some items are limited, so order early to get the best selection! (If payment cannot be made online, please email Tami Kauffman – to make arrangements.)
• Pickup: Order pickup will be on Saturday, April 30th at PRM. Details on pick up
times will be shared with the ordering email prior to the pickup date. If you are
unable to pick up on this day, you can designate someone to pick up your order for you. All orders must be paid for in advance.