Equity Kick off Celebration
You are cordially invited to the PRM Equity Group Kickoff Celebration in the back lot / playground at PRM on September…
You are cordially invited to the PRM Equity Group Kickoff Celebration in the back lot / playground at PRM on September…
Staff Appreciation! Every year we love to show our PRM Staff appreciation for all they do for our community! On…
Reach out to your student's teacher for details to sign up!
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration! Wednesday, September 28thCancelled due to our champions being ill! Thank you to our volunteers!
Details coming home soon! Re-take day is November 16th!
Monthly PTO Meeting! Childcare provided, all are welcome! Parents, teachers, community!
It's Baaaaaack! The PRM October Bash (and Trunk or Treat) event is happening again this year and sure to be a treat! Your…