At PRM, we know that tutoring helps a child for a lifetime! We also know that when one child is helped, the whole class is helped. So we invite you to join our tutoring team!
Tutors assist students in grades K- 6 weekly in reading and or math, 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (or sometimes later). You may choose the grade level(s), day(s) and the timeframe that works for you.
Contact the office for more information! 513-363-4400
Get a CPS Volunteer Badge!
For any volunteer role requiring you to be in the school during school hours or on field trips, you must have a CPS volunteer badge. All PRM volunteers need to have at least local background check and CPS badge.
- Get your badge at the CPS Security Office by following the instructions listed here. Please also complete a PRM Volunteer Agreement and Emergency Contact Form and turn it in to the school office or mail it to email address above.