ILT Rep Needed! Voting at First PTO Meeting of 2022!

ILT Parent Representative Needed!

ILT Parent Rep needed: At the January PTO meeting, we will need to nominate and vote to elect a Parent Representative for the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT).  This position will finish out this year and continue through the next school year. 

PTO Virtual Meeting 
Wednesday, January 12th6:30pm
Google Meet Code

The Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) is designed to share instructional leadership decisions to improve student achievement. Pleasant Ridge Montessori is a team-based school. Team based schools are required to establish an Instructional Leadership Team (ILT). ILTs are composed of at least 60 percent teachers. A Team Leader represents each team of teachers. The principal, two parents and two non-teaching staff members are also included on the ILT. During the school year the ILT makes decisions about issues that hold the potential to impact instruction—such as proposed changes to the school program or calendar. The ILT also approves the school budget and makes recommendations for spending funds that are allocated from the Central Office, on a per-student basis. The Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC) must approve budget decisions recommended by the ILT. 

If you are interested in nominating someone or being nominated for this ILT Parent Representative position, please email PTO President, Missy Kyrlach, at by Tuesday, January 11th.