Parent to Parent Tech Support

PRM Parent to Parent Tech Support

PTO is organizing Parent to Parent Tech Support for PRM Families. We’re seeing requests for technology support and want to highlight some resources. CPS, PRM, and Teacher resources will always be the best source of information. We also have some pretty experienced parents in our community who are willing to help point you in the right direction. See below for more information or CLICK HERE.

CPSPhone Number513-363-0688 or
CPS YouTube Channel with videos about Schoology, Google Apps, and more!CLICK HERE
CPS Technology ToolsCLICK HERE
PRMPhone Number – PowerSchool and Schoology Login Information363-4400
TeachersStaff DirectoryCLICK HERE
Room ParentsYou can email your Room Parents questions specific to your child’s classroom. Room Parent Online Directory, Click here.PDF_Directory CLICK HERE
FacebookPost your question on the PRM (PTO Sponsored) Facebook Group and our awesome community may be able to help you.CLICK HERE
PRM Parent to Parent Technology SupportWe have some experienced parents who have volunteered to help parents with tech questions. Fill out this form and someone will reach out to you and try their best to help. CLICK HERE