Pleasant Ridge Montessori needs your support this

This past school year has continued to bring changes and challenges. It has highlighted the strengths we have together as a community, but has also revealed our ever-changing needs. As we look toward the future, it is clear that we as a Foundation must increase our support at PRM. Teachers and students have been incredibly resilient during this time of uncertainty and change. Let’s give back to PRM!

1) Why wait? Go to
2) On Tuesday, November 30th, look for the #GIVINGTUESDAY donation button on social media*
3) Spread the news by setting up your own FB Fundraiser for Pleasant Ridge SCHOOL Foundation, share with family and friends
PRM Foundation’s #GIVINGTUESDAY Goal = $7,000
If you would like to see how much you have given this year to PRM (not including FB donations), go to and log in.
Don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of the love of learning happening at PRM, Thank you!