Volunteer Parent Leadership Roles Needed

We need you!! Come work some awesome parents! PRM Rocks!

Dear PRM Families,

The PRM Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is currently accepting nominations for various parent leadership positions for next school year. Holding a leadership position is just one of the many ways you can be involved at PRM. Keep in mind that if you hold a leadership position your attendance is needed at all relevant meetings. We will vote to fill the following parent leadership positions at the next PTO Meeting on Wednesday, May 11th at 6:30pm in the PRM Cafetorium.

  • PTO Vice President – Assists the President on all PTO matters and then becomes President the following school year.
  • PTO Secretary – Attends all meetings and records the PTO minutes. Also maintains the official documents of the PTO including the bylaws, correspondence, and minutes.
  • LSDMC Parent Representative – Serves a two-year term (beginning in July) as one of the parent members on the Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC). The LSDMC is the primary governing body for the school, which sets school goals, develops a plan for meeting those goals and monitors progress toward goal attainment. The LSDMC also makes school budget decisions, submits changes in the local school’s program, and participates in the selection of the principal.
  • ILT Parent Representative – Serves a two-year term (beginning in August) as one of the parent members on the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT). *PTO doesn’t vote on the candidate for ILT, but collects nominations on behalf of the LSDMC. The ILT makes decisions about issues that hold the potential to impact instruction—such as proposed changes to the school program or calendar. The ILT also approves the school budget and makes recommendations for spending funds that are allocated from the Central Office, on a per-student basis.
  • Foundation Board Members – Pleasant Ridge School Foundation is the nonprofit arm of PRM, which allows PRM to fundraise and accept tax‐deductible donations.  Foundation is looking for members at large.

To nominate yourself for any of the above roles, please contact the PTO President or Vice President by noon on Tuesday, May 10th .

PTO President

Melissa Kyrlach, mkyrlach@gmail.com

PTO Vice President

Antoinette Moore, Grayac1012@gmail.com