Dear PRM Community,
The PRM Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is currently accepting nominations for various leadership positions for next school year. Holding a leadership position is just one of the many ways that you can be involved at PRM. Keep in mind that if you hold a leadership position your attendance is needed at all relevant meetings. For the upcoming school year this could potentially include a mixture of virtual and in person meetings.
On Wednesday, May 12th at 6:30pm, the PTO will be meeting and voting. To vote in this election you must be present at the May 12th meeting AND you must have attended at least one PTO meeting previously this school year.
The current leadership roles that will be voted on include:
PTO Vice President
• Assists the PTO President on all PTO matters and then assumes the role of President the following school year.
PTO Financial Secretary
• Works closely with the Foundation Treasurer and supports the PTO with financial record keeping and decision making.
LSDMC Parent Representatives (2 needed)
• Serves a two-year term (beginning in July) as one of the members on PRM’s Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC).
ILT Parent Representative
• Serves a two-year term (beginning in August) as one of the members on PRM’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT).
For further information about each of these leadership organizations please read more at https://prmrocks.org/voice/
Other leadership roles that need filled for the upcoming school year but are not included in this PTO vote include:
• Foundation Vice President
• Boosters Co-President
To nominate yourself for any of the above roles, please contact either the PTO President or Vice President by noon on Friday, May 7th.
PTO President
Elizabeth Johnson
PTO Vice President
Missy Kyrlach