Winter: A Season of Giving and Community at PRM

From Thanksgiving to Winter Break, the Pleasant Ridge Montessori Community came together in so many different ways to give to others and to celebrate as a community.  Many families donated and received coats from the coat drive!  The men of M.O.R.E. collected canned goods to give away!  Ms. Nancy’s class collected 357 items!  The 9-12 communities celebrated community with Stone soup around Thanksgiving!  On giving Tuesday, many people’s donations were matched on Facebook!  At the staff appreciation chili lunch, there were over 15 crockpots of chili!  Volunteers came in to wrap presents for staff members.  And this is just part of the many ways the giving heart of PRM reached the community.

Celebrations of the season brought the community together at the Gingerbread House Making party on December 17th and the Winter Music Performances on December 12th with performances by strings, webby dance and music club! The composers club performed their re-write on a favorite Christmas song titled, The 12 days of PRM!  Many PRM students created handmade items to sell at PRM’s second annual Handmade market on December 14th!  Coffee cup students also kept all those who attended and participated at the handmade market with coffee, tea and hot chocolate.

On December 19th and 20th, all the communities celebrated with wearing PJ’s, sharing hot chocolate and making wonderful crafts and keepsakes, just to mention a few things.  The magnitude and impact of all this giving and celebration is hard to encompass with words, but when you see the student’s faces, the impact can be felt. Imagine those little faces and not so little faces of the students dressed in their pajamas, twenty five to twenty eight of them smiling as they share hope and peace regardless of the points they have earned, the grades or what is going on in the world around them.  It is a gift!  The next semester at PRM will be full of new adventures like the 6th graders who will be studying the Odyssey and Hindu mythology.  The 3-6 and 6-9 levels will continue their adventures of learning about all the continents. All levels will have field trips and testing will begin again!  Thank you to all our teachers, staff, administration and volunteers for the gift of your priceless time and energy.  May you all have a wonderful winter break!  PRM will be ready, when students return in January for an amazing second half of the school year!

12 days of PRM!

At school it’s almost winter break and this is what I see:

  • A roadrunner going crazy

  • 2 new class pets

  • 3 snow days

  • 4 new bead chains

  • 5 dojo points

  • 6 Rubik’s cubes

  • 7 broken laptops

  • 8 homework pages

  • 9 students flossing

  • 10 chicks-a-hatching

  • 11 tardy students

  • 12  teachers crying

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