Happy Earth Day! Let’s Support the Planet Together!

Happy Earth Day! Let’s Support the Planet Together!

For Earth Day 2024, we are asking you to send us your best plant-based recipes over the summer! We want to create a plant-based recipe book from the PRM community for the PRM community!

Why Plant-Based?

According to Dana Hunnes PhD, MPH, RD “From a water perspective, using simple mathematics, it is much more efficient and cost-effective to eat plant foods than animal foods. From a greenhouse gas emissions perspective, it is without doubt; significantly better for the environment to eat plant-based foods.

If we all eliminated meat and milk from our diets and went to plant sources of these foods, we would be saving at least 50% of our water use. We would be saving untouched habitats (Rainforests, marshes) from being destroyed to produce more livestock feed, and we would be creating less pollution in our waterways, streams, and oceans that indirectly threaten human, animal, and plant lives.” Plant-based meals are a powerful piece of the puzzle to help care for our common home: Earth! Making plant-based choices:

-Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions
-Reduces Land Use
-Decreases Pollution
-Saves Water
-Can help people with preventing, managing, and even reversing conditions such as type 2 diabetes!

Change can be challenging, but every choice matters. If we work on this challenge together, we can help create a sustainable world for ourselves and our families. Let’s do this together!

We want it all: appetizers, beverages, soups, salads, vegetables, side dishes, main dishes, desserts and more!

If you don’t have a favorite plant-based recipe to share yet, don’t worry! You have all summer to check out recipe books from the library and experiment! Check out our local Pleasant Ridge branch of the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Library for their display of plant-based recipe books this summer! Thanks in advance for experimenting and sending your favorites to us! We are all on this planet together and your efforts matter!

Please send your favorite plant-based recipe(s) to Eva Borho at [email protected] and our volunteer team will work to create our PRM recipe book!

#sustainability #thetimeisnow #bethechange