PRM Town Hall: A Great Beginning

Thanks to the over 107 parents and staff who joined for the first PRM Town Hall on Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism. We had a wonderful discussion with Principal Simpson and Director of School Leadership, Monisha House. They helped us see how our school district and local school are prioritizing racial equity and racial justice. If you were unable to attend, click here watch the video of the presentations. 
Some of the highlights:

  • CPS is the first major school district to adopt a statement on anti-racism (click here).
  • At the moment, individual schools and departments within CPS are implementing strategies for inclusion and equity, but CPS is establishing a department to coordinate and manage all diversity, inclusion, and equity across the district.
  • PRM staff has undergone training on implicit bias and cultural competence. 
  • The district intends to review and revise curriculum starting at pre-k so that all of our students are learning accurate history.
  • As an example, the district is reviewing the African-American history class that some high schools offer and determining how to offer it at all high schools.
  • The district is looking for ways to use minority owned businesses as much as possible.

Should you have questions about racial equity or racist abuse incidents at PRM, please feel free to contact Principal Amber Simpson, [email protected]. She is a champion for justice and for our students!

Going forward, we plan to have more of these events throughout the school year. At our school, we are kicking off a Parent Equity Group – a group of parents and staff who will meet monthly to discuss topics related to inclusion and equity. Our first meeting with be virtual on March 16th at 6:30pm. Stay tuned for more details. Any questions about the group can be directed to Amanda Bennett ([email protected]; 513-344-7720).Â