About Your PRM Parent Teacher Organization (PTO):

  • PTO is the Parent Teacher Organization that is made up of parents/caregivers and staff. All parents at PRM are automatically members of PTO.
  • PTO helps with the communication between families and school staff regarding upcoming events, important dates and deadlines, etc.
  • PTO organizes community building events as a way for families to connect.
  • PTO organizes Staff Appreciation events as a way to support our whole staff.
  • PTO also helps to coordinate a Room Liaison for each classroom community.

2024-2025 PTO Leadership

Connect: prmpto@gmail.com

Co-Presidents: Allie Goodman algoodman3@aol.com and Erin Spears erin_s@icloud.com

Vice President: Kate Grise kategrise15@gmail.com

Secretary: Deb Chambless dkchambless@gmail.com

Finances: Karen Mak karenmakhoul@gmail.com

Room Liaison Champion: Jen Jarman jarman.jen@gmail.com

PTO Meeting Minutes 2021-2022

PTO Meeting Minutes 2020-2021

2019-2020 Minutes (Past PTO Minutes, click here).

PTO April Meeting 2020 cancelled due to school closure